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- ₹49.00
₹60.00I Can Women Pregnancy Test Kit
I Can Women Pregnancy Test Kit
Introducing the I Can Women Pregnancy Test Kit, your reliable companion on the journey of motherhood. Exclusively available at 24 E Bazar, this advanced pregnancy test kit offers unparalleled accuracy and convenience when it comes to detecting pregnancy early on.
Designed with precision and reliability in mind, the I Can Women Pregnancy Test Kit utilizes cutting-edge technology to provide you with quick and accurate results in the comfort of your own home. Whether you’re planning for a baby or suspect you might be pregnant, this test kit is your trusted ally.
- ₹45.00
₹71.00Pregline Women Pregnancy Test Kit
Pregline Women Pregnancy Test Kit
Introducing the Pregline Women Pregnancy Test Kit, your reliable companion on the journey of motherhood. Exclusively available at 24 E Bazar, this advanced pregnancy test kit offers unparalleled accuracy and convenience when it comes to detecting pregnancy early on.
Designed with precision and reliability in mind, the Pregline Women Pregnancy Test Kit utilizes cutting-edge technology to provide you with quick and accurate results in the comfort of your own home. Whether you’re planning for a baby or suspect you might be pregnant, this test kit is your trusted ally.
The Pregline Women Pregnancy Test Kit is a product designed to help women determine whether they are pregnant or not. Typically, it consists of a test strip or a midstream device that detects the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone in urine.
- ₹420.00
₹477.00Pregnot Kit Tablet Pregnancy Termination
Pregnot Kit Tablet
Pregnot Kit Tablet is a combination of two medicines used for medical abortion (terminating a pregnancy). This medicine blocks the action of progesterone, a female hormone required to maintain pregnancy and induce contractions in the uterus, which further helps in abortion. Pregnot Kit Tablet is used for ending a pregnancy, that is less than 70 days (10 weeks) old.